FROM BARRY - The Perfect Songs of Barry Gibb and The BeeGees
Barry Gibb is simply one of the greatest Pop songwriters of his generation. The songs he wrote and performed with his brothers Maurice and Robin are stylistically beautiful and undeniably songwriting gems. From Barry is a show that will honor the early work of the Brothers Gibb with songs like RUN TO ME, I GOT TO GET A MESSAGE TO YOU, WORDS, MASSACHUSETTS and many more. But just as much as beautiful ballads defined the Bee Gee's, the groove was just as important with songs like JIVE TALKIN. KNIGHTS ON BROADWAY and of course their internationally acclaimed songs from Saturday Night Fever. Featuring the vocals of Mick Sterling, Boyd Lee and Wayne Cullinan, along with Mary Jane Alm, Cate Fierro and Aimee Lee, the songs of Barry Gibb will be handled by a huge band and (6) vocalists to match the incredible harmonies and melodies that could only come From Barry.
FROM BARRY - The Perfect Songs of Barry Gibb and The BeeGees
Posted on 07/15/2022
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